Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How Close Is The Rapture?

For the last 2,000 years, people have thought they were in the last days. Whenever someone puts fourth that point of view the doubters reply “People have thought they were in the last days since the apostles and they were always wrong.” The so called logic being that if they were wrong, today’s advocates must be wrong also. I thought I would write down some of the reasons why I believe we today, really are in the last days before the tribulation.
There are several promises of God that are currently valid. If those promises become invalid it would make God a liar, which He is not. God stays loyal to His Word.
“David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of Israel” (Jeremiah ch.33;17).
The Queen of England currently holds this position and validates this promise.
Genesis 22:17, 'And your Seed shall possess the gate of His enemies'. The UK and the USA have been fulfilling this promise for some time. The book of Revelation makes it clear that Israel will remain until Jesus returns at the battle of Armageddon. The book of Revelation also says it will be the antichrist after the rapture that will make a peace pact with Israel.
So to determine how long until the rapture and reign of the antichrist, ask yourself these questions:
How long can the UK recognize the royal family?
How long can the USA remain the world’s military superpower?
How long can Israel last in the holy land without being wiped out or entering into a lasting peace pact with their enemies recognizing them as a country?
All of these are currently under attack. People and nations are working furiously to bring about the end of all three. Answer these questions and you will have an idea how long until the rapture and reign of the antichrist.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely put Rogelio!! Always Kickin' butt for the right team
